Bathroom Contractor – Steps to finding the right company

Choosing a Hudson Valley contractor who can create your ideal bathroom isn’t tricky once you know what to look for. Get our top tips for picking a contractor who has the experience, skills, and vision to make your project a success.

"Call these guys, they're the best"Ask for referrals

Word of mouth is a time tested way to find a contractor for any need, so start by asking around. Your friends, family members, and coworkers may have someone to recommend. Review any recommendations you get to make sure the contractors perform bathroom remodels and have the experience you need. For example, if you own a historic New Windsor farmhouse, you need a contractor who can handle working in century homes. Next check places like the Better Business Bureau, Houzz, of Facebook then discard any contractors who have negative ratings.



Do a phone screening

Before you spend time on face to face meetings, screen contractors over the phone. Make sure they have availability in their schedule and take bathroom remodel jobs. Find out whether they’re
licensed and insured. Ask for references who can vouch for their work and a portfolio of their projects. If you don’t like their portfolio, or their references are just okay, it’s likely not a good fit.


MeetingHave a face to face meeting

A face to face meeting lets you build trust, the foundation of a good contractor relationship. Face to face meetings also help you narrow down the list of potential contractors to a few top picks.

To get the most out of your face to face meetings with contractors, only schedule them when you have a good understanding of what you want in your new bathroom. This way, you can get specific in discussions and wind up with accurate budgets.

Gather any inspiration for your redesign to make the face to face meetings as success as possible. Show off your existing bathroom and your dream bathroom pictures, then ask the contractor for their thoughts. When someone speaks knowledgeably about bringing your design to life, and takes the time to answer your questions, the fit is good.

Contractor Comparison

Take time to reflect on your meeting with each contractor.  Did they grasp the design direction and answer your questions.  Do you think they asked you enough questions to understand your project?  At this point, you should be able to narrow down your options to one or two qualified contractors and finalize the decision  Moving forward, you should be presented with a budget range from the contractor.  This budget will be used to create a final design and scope of work.

Hiring the right contractor means the difference between a bathroom remodel that makes perfect use of your space and one that merely updates your current bathroom. To get a quote from us for your bathroom remodel, contact us today.


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